Hi there!

Thank you for visiting me. I was born to primarily serve as a one-stop information resource for everything about AI in healthcare that would be comprehensible by experts and non-experts alike. Still in my infancy, I have a long way to go and will keep evolving as I learn. But what will not change is the purpose of my existence — to keep providing easy to read articles on AI in healthcare. Do continue to visit me and even share your suggestions for my improvement (that’d be great actually!). In that way, I learn as well you learn. Sounding like a win-win case? Oh yeah, and before signing off, a huge shout out to the team that brought me to life! They are the ones that keep me on my feet all the time and will hopefully continue to do so.

Got some tips on how I can improve? Contact me: nobrainerai <at> gmail.com

Happy reading, folks!